Tyrolit Experience

Modernisation of the Cernavodă nuclear power plant in Romania

The Cernavodă nuclear power plant in Romania was successfully modernised in 2019, with 400 tons of extremely hard concrete being removed under difficult conditions.

3 min read

Construction site report

Demolition of extremely hard concrete under sometimes difficult conditions

Cernavodă, a small town near the Black Sea coast, is home to Romania's only nuclear power plant. The power plant - consisting of two units - produces around a fifth of the country's electricity. One of these units was completely modernised in 2019. This involved the controlled dismantling of around 400 tons of concrete under the strictest safety conditions.

Our contribution

"Despite very hard concrete, poor weather conditions and sub-zero temperatures, the project time was halved."

The dismantling was carried out by the company Diamond Drilling SRL from Bucharest using Tyrolit machines, among others. Diamond Drilling's main task was to cut and remove 22 running metres of reinforced concrete wall, 4.5 m high and 75 cm thick, as well as nine 5 m high reinforced concrete columns with basic dimensions of 2.5 m x 1.5 m and 1.5 m x 1.5 m respectively. For this job, Diamond Drilling SRL used the WCE14 and SB-E electric wire saws and the WSE2226 wall saw from Tyrolit.

Despite very strong HPC 120 MPa concrete, poor weather conditions and sub-zero temperatures, the project time was halved. The employees of Diamond Drilling SRL, including the Tyrolit machines, showed that even the toughest conditions pose no problems.


Running metres of reinforced concrete

75 cm

thick reinforced concrete


Reinforced concrete columns, each 5 m high


Modernisation of a nuclear power plant

Products used

Wall and wire saws from Tyrolit

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Wall saw WSE2226QC

Cutting depths up to 1 005 mm

Wall saws

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front-view of the product

Wire saw SB ATEX | SB-E

Gross wire length 15.5 m

Wire saws

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